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FlexFire Premium

FlexFire Premium

Regular price CHF 115.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 115.00
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  • 2 in 1 outdoor stove easily expandable in size from FlexFire 4 to FlexFire 6 and more. Extremely quick assembly and disassembly of the outdoor stove of less than a minute. Very easy conversion of the hobo cooker to a special barbecue variant. Adaptable from the small cup to the large pan
  • Flexible in the type of fuel, multi-fuel capable! All types of wood, alcohol stoves, trangia, gas stoves, gel stoves, solid fuels such as Esbit or coal can be used
  • Environmentally friendly CO2-neutral operation of the wood stove possible. Ash plate to protect the floor against excessive heat. Robust thanks to the use of high-temperature-resistant V4A alloy, dishwasher-safe, so easy and compact to store.
  • The fire and ash plate can be easily adapted to use other fuels. Ideal distance between the trangia and the bottom of the pot
  • The fire cooker is your perfect companion for a camping fire in a wonderful atmosphere. Suitable as an emergency cooker. The Wood Stove is delivered in a high-quality canvas bag. Both variants can be assembled, 4 and 6!


- Stainless steel heat resistant titanium alloy

- High quality cotton bag




113 x 173 x 173 mm


113 x 113 x 173 mm< /p>

Pack size and weight:

200 x 200 x 18 mm

1,245 g including pot holders and bag

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FlexFire Premium

The FlexFire Premium includes all parts to make it FlexFire 4, FlexFire 4 Plus, FlexFire 6 or FlexFire 6 Plus .

The FlexFire 4 series falls into the category of medium-sized outdoor stoves and is therefore Suitable for 1 to 4 people.

The FlexFire 6 series falls into the category of large outdoor stovesand is therefore suitable for 1 to 6 people.

Unique expansion and conversion options, quickly assembled, small stowed away, there is always room for FlexFire. FlexFire offers almost endless possibilities.

For individualistsand nature lovers, on a hike or while fishing at the lake enjoy a fresh, warm drink quickly and easily.

Barbecue outside in nature with the family, make stick bread or simply enjoy a great fire.< br/>
Also ideal for all outdoor athletes such as climbers, canoeists, cyclists, Bikers, hikers or bushcrafters and outdoor cooks. Easy for everyone who likes to be outdoors in nature.

The FlexFire 4 is a mobile, multifunctional outdoor stove of the quality "Made in Germany".

It is also great as a fire bowl for a cozy terrace evening with friends. Whether in a park or on the beach, at a festival or on the roof terrace, FlexFire can be part of many outdoor activities.< /p>

  • Material: stainless steel heat resistant titanium alloy

  • Multi-fuel capable - can be used with fuels such as wood, Trangia spirit insert, fuel paste, Esbit

  • includes ash plate as floor protection

  • Wall thickness: 0.8 mm

  • includes high quality cotton bag

  • manufactured in Germany

  • Light weight and pack size

    The low weight and small pack sizeenable easy and pleasant transport.

  • Many possible applications

    Instead of an environmentally harmful disposable grill, you should simply pack a FlexFire for your next visit to a bathing lake or swimming pool.< /p>

  • Burns the fuel highly effectively

    The FlexFire works according to the so-called chimney principle and thus enables efficient and raw material-saving operation.

  • Multifuel compatible 

    Due to the multifuel equipment, it can be fueled with wood, coal, bark, solid fuel, animal manure, < strong>alcohol or gel cooker.

  • Multifuel compatible 

    Use as a gas cooker/grill with the optional retaining plate for gas burners or convert to a wood pellet stove with the new pellet burner.

  • Barbecue

    With the FlexFire 4 and 6 Plus it is possible to grill smaller food.

Specifications FlexFire 4 & 6

High-quality material for maximum performance

The entire FlexFire series is made of a rust-free and heat-resistant stainless steel titanium alloy. This alloy is particularly low in distortion and can therefore withstand very high temperatures over a long period of time.

Dimensions FlexFire 6

Assembled: 113 x 173 x 173 mm

Pack size: 200 x 120 x 13 minimum

< strong>Weight: 1072 g including pot holders and bag

Hobo-Kocher Abmaße

Dimensions FlexFire 4

assembled: 113 x 113 x 173 mm

Pack size: 200 x 120 x 7 minimum

Weight: 518 g including pot holders and bag

Scope of delivery

- 1 x front panel fire

- 1 x front panel grill

- 1 x grill panel - FlexFire 4 & 6

- 1 x rear panel

- 4 x side panel

- 1 x fire plate - FlexFire 4 & 6

- 1 x ash plate - FlexFire 4 & 6

- 1 x Pot holder set

- 1 x bag - FlexFire

Delivery without pot, fuel, gas burner or trangia!

The barbecue mode

To be able to grill as effectively and pleasantly as possible when using as a charcoal grill, the coal must not burn too quickly and hot. To ensure exactly that, we have developed the grill mode. Since the FlexFire 6 is a barbecue to plug together you can adjust many things, including the air supply. 

In Grillmode, you can choose to put the fire or ash plate in the upper position and put the coals on it. Our recommendation is to put the ash plate on the normal position of the burning plate and the burning plate in the upper position.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Peter Tempel
Toller Service ,Tolles Produkt

Verarbeitung :
Top, keine scharfen Kanten oder Passungenauigkeiten
Handling :
Der erste Zusammenbau des Steckhobos ist etwas fummelig, aber beim zweiten ,dritten Zusammenbau steht der FlexFire in max.2 Minuten.
Material :
Einzig der Feuerrost ist minimal verzogen ( beim nächsten Betrieb einfach anders herum einbauen - "Problem" gelöst ). Die Seitenteile nicht ein bischen verzogen , zerlegen nach Gebrauch absolut problemlos - da klemmt und hakt nichts.
Reinigung :
Zerlegen , feucht abwischen - gut ist.
Betrieb :
Anfeuern mit Birkenrinde und ein paar dünnen Hölzchen - kein Problem , das Teil zieht wie Hulle.
Der Holzverbrauch hält sich in Grenzen und es bleibt am Ende nur ein kleines Häufchen weiße Asche über. Der Boden wird durch das Ascheblech sehr gut gegen Brandflecken geschützt ; ich lege aber trotzdem noch die Flammschutzmatte unter, da ist man zu 200% auf der sicheren Seite.
Nach dem ersten Betrieb läuft das Material an - ich finde aber durch die Anlauffarben wird die Optik nur noch besser und macht den FlexFire zu einem Unikat.
Fazit :
Qualität hat ihren Preis - der ist aber bei dieser exzellenten Verarbeitung, dem Service und der Möglichkeit Ersatzteile zu bekommen absolut gerechtfertigt.
Einzig die stabile , wertig verarbeitete Transport-Tasche hätte ich persöhnlich gerne etwas größer gehabt.
Von mir zwei Daumen hoch und absolute Kaufempfehlung.

Tolles Produkt

Mein Kompliment an die Produktdesigner und das ganze Team für diesen rundum durchdachten, höchst flexibel nutzbaren und sauber gearbeiteten Hobo. Ich finde es wirklich großartig, daß man ihn klein für einen schnellen Kaffee/eine kleine Mahlzeit und groß für Topf, Pfanne, Grill oder eine Art Lagerfeuer zusammenstecken kann. Alles bei optimal kleinem Packmaß sowie einfacher Handhabung und Reinigung. Sehr fair finde ich auch, daß man Einzelteile nachkaufen kann, falls es denn wirklich mal nötig sein sollte. Der Versand erfolgte zudem im ’Schweinsgalopp’ :-).

Stefan G

super genialer der pelletplatte noch dazu sehr vielseitig zu nutzen....würd ich wieder kaufen.....netter kontakt....auch bei fragen am sonntag....topppp

Manuel G
Super Teil

Meiner Meinung nach der beste, weil flexibelste Hobo auf dem Markt, bin total begeistert wie Vielseitig er in der Anwendung ist, egal ob als Windschutz für den Spirituskocher oder im Betrieb mit Holz. Funktioniert alles einwandfrei!

Questions about the FlexFire

Do I need to clean the FlexFire?

It is not absolutely necessary to clean all parts of the FlexFire, but it is recommended to clean the grill plate, because here yes the food is always on it. You can clean this quite normally with water, dishwashing liquid and sponge or also in the dishwasher.


Can I barbecue anywhere?

No, especially in summer you should make sure to grill only at designated barbecue areas. Especially the barbecue with coal and wood is dangerous and can cause forest fires. In addition, always make sure that you take your garbage and extinguish the coal with enough water.

Is the FlexFire difficult to set up?

The assembly of the FlexFire series is by no means complicated or difficult. With a little practice, it should only take a few seconds to set up.

Can the grill plate warp?

Normally, the grill plate warps only minimally and temporarily. If you put something cool (for example, meat from the refrigerator) on the grate can be increased to slight distortion.


Is discoloration normal?

Yes, discoloration occurs with the FlexFire compared to the new condition. At very high temperatures, the plates usually warp slightly. This does not affect the function.